Introducing the Horse World to the APR Equine Topline Builder System.
We all know and understand using weights and resistance bands for strength and endurance training in humans has been applied for many years. Firstly I apply manual therapy to all my patients, and secondly, I prescribe exercises and strength training. People can follow instructions to benefit from exercise therapy, but horses do not. However, when training your horse, we do know the concepts and principles that can be applied to our equine athlete are valid. Furthermore, applying the weights and loading the moving parts of the horse can induce the recruitment of fibers for building strength.
It Is Time To Apply New Concepts
The horse industry has traditionally used hills, poles, interval training, and endurance training for strength training with excellent results.
Sadly in addition to the above many trainers incorporate reins, straps, tie-downs, etc. involving some kind of force to improve muscle strength in their horse. This is forced!
We do not use these methods in human training. What’s more, it is now deemed cruel and wrong.

Any restraint like side reins, long reins, or draw reins can force a horse into a posture. The resistance is always along the lines of restraint.
The force is pulling the horse’s head down and nose in behind the vertical.
The horse may well yield with the force and it may work,
However, many horses’ try and escape from the force. The result is the wrong posture and the wrong muscles are strengthened. Furthermore, unsoundness, poor mechanics, and finally, pain can occur.
In addition, your training may well be cruel, for no advantage!
We know more we can do better.
Introducing Weight Training for Horses.

Weights act against gravity. The direction of the resistance is the ground, against gravity. I designed a weight training program for the horse. The horse performs static also known as isometric work or dynamic work. Holding the weight still is static work, self-carriage in dressage is a static posture. Moving the weight through a range is dynamic work. The horse requires this type of strength in all their moving postures. Power and endurance are essential for all performance horses.
Current research proves dynamic weight training builds muscle tone, strength, and endurance. Isometric or static training in specific intervals builds collagen strength in tendons and muscles.
My Physiotherapy education has given me the knowledge to apply weight training to horses to develop strength, power, balance, and symmetry. The Biomechanical Movement Patterns of the horse are moving parts and can be used to load with weight for strength building.
APR Strength Training Program

I designed and developed a system to build the neck, back, and topline muscles, as well as the core muscles, the pelvic stabilizers, and the hip muscles, all naturally. Self-carriage of the horse can develop naturally. This system builds symmetrical strength, endurance, and stability using gravity as the force. The amount of weight starts small and grows. The time under load starts small and builds. The intervals between sessions also vary in increments and timing.
The horse works the weights to build muscles in a natural biomechanical movement pattern. From a starting point, we can build the amount of weight the type of movement, and the interval of each session and between sessions. As the weight increases, the time reduces.
Deactivating overactive muscles is also required. Once underactive muscles balance overactive muscles your horse can finally be ready for discipline training.
Weight Boots and Weight Pad
My uniquely designed equine leg weight boot and a variable weight bag for horses are proving safe, kind, easy to apply, and most importantly effective and functional. The horse has no restraints, and no pulleys and works their own body against gravity in both static and dynamic patterns.
This concept is ideal for:
- Equine rehab after an injury
- Race horses on a walker machine
- Dressage horses
- Show jumpershS
- Show horses to build and sculpt muscles and shape
- Eventers
- Trail riding horses
- Western pleasure
- Any horse in other words
The product is being clinically trialed with excellent results and feedback. The results are impressive. When the program is followed correctly your horse will become strong through his body, symmetrical with his movement, and build a functionally strong, good-looking topline. All injured horses may require detailed rehab sessions and more time. (You need to consult your vet). I encourage trainers to look at this system and change the way horses are trained for strength, endurance, symmetry, and true self-carriage.
If you are ready to jump in and change the way you strengthen your horse you can buy the complete package here APR Topline Strength Training System. For more information on this unique Physio-based strength training program contact me via the contact tab. For further information on this new concept have a look at my Equitana presentation introducing this topic the the audience. In addition to my YouTube channel, I post tips and advice via my Applied Posture Riding Facebook page.
You can investigate further and purchase this unique system by watching the videos here. Shop